Choose one of our authentic exact replica US Military tag sets or pick your own style from our choice of tags, chains and silencers.

Filter by: Exact replica US military dog tags | Black special forces US military dog tags | Brass & copper US military dog tags | Precious metal US military dog tags
Personalised authentic US Military embossed stainless steel dog tags - 1975 to present day
Personalise your own set of genuine US Army dog tags, complete with custom embossed text,...
Personalised debossed WW2 US Military dog tags
Authentic WW2 US Military debossed stainless steel dog tag set.
Personalised black PVD coated US Special Forces dog tags
Black PVD coated US special operations forces dog tags with personalised embossed text.
Personalised black US special forces debossed dog tags 1954-1967 style with notch
Special forces black dog tag set with debossed text, notch and with the text read...
Personalised debossed US military dog tags without notch 1967 - 2015
This style of dog tag was issued to US military personnel between 1967 when the...
Personalised shiny stainless steel US military dog tags
Use the green 'CUSTOMISE AND BUY' button to start building your tags.
Personalised solid cartridge brass US army dog tags
Personalised solid cartridge brass US army dog tags offer a warmer coloured, sounding and feeling...
Personalised solid sterling silver US army dog tags
Solid sterling silver army dog tags are the point at which jewellery meets military style...
Personalised US Marine Corps identification dog tags
MIL Spec current issue USMC (Marine Corps) identification tags.
Ordering your tags is as easy as ABC